05-23-11 – Los Angeles, CA>San Diego, CA – Band Needs Bass Player For Recording/Touring
Seeking bass player for recording & touring band. Read all before you reply. Looking for one amazing person, 18 to early 30′s, very cool, nice, & easy going. 1. Bass player. Good vocal abilities are desired, but not a must. We have access to a great recording and rehearsal facility as well as financial backing to cover recording and promotion, and supplement costs of touring. Style and direction is southern rock – acoustic pop/rock, with a fortified modern sound. Influences and or style of music, Zac Brown Band, Nickelback, with a little Kid Rock in there. If this sounds interesting and you are in a position to dedicate some time and energy to a seriously worthwhile project, please respond with photos of yourself, contact info & a short bio, to discuss. To hear the first album check out Rocky Hensel “The Good Life” on the internet. We will be redoing some tracks & updating this album to represent our present sound. The new material is a little more southern-modern rock. This will be a very professional band/project. No drug, alcohol or mental problems, of any kind. A little weeds ok. No EGO’S. Must be a team player. This band is being formed as a full-time touring act. Meaning, come the fall you will be gone most of next year and from then on, we’ll see how it goes. So you must be free to travel full-time. This means, you are a single person, no children, wives or husbands, no commitments or financial attachments keeping you in
How this works. This is organized through management, national booking agent and record label, but is a privately funded operation. From the beginning we will be a opening act for bigger bands. We will not make much money at first, but we will always have food, hotels, and travel costs covered. So money must not be your focal point. Playing music and touring must be!! We are creating a band, we must grow as a band. The more exposure we get, the bigger the shows we book, the more money we make. The happier everyone is!! — Submit Yourself To This Role Now: 1
Click Here To Apply To This Casting Call
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